"TOP MESSAGE" is a message from Moriyoshi, Representative Director, CEO to various stakeholders such as Customers, Service Provider Stores, Shareholders, associates and their families. The message states SHARINGTECHNOLOGY will continue to heighten our Corporate Value with our mission "Contributing to a safe society by creating a new mechanism".
And, "Directors" introduce brief biographies and pictures of "Representative Director, CEO", "Directors", and "Outside Directors, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member".
"MISSION" states SHARINGTECHNOLOGY's ideal figure in the society."VALUE" states SHARINGTECHNOLOGY associates' basic approach, mind-set, and work method to achieve "MISSION".
MISSION & VALUE"COMPANY PROFILE" shows the Company's basic information such as address, representatives, capital, number of employees, access to Head Office.
"HISTORY" shows the Company's brief history such as the founding in Nov. 2016, start of "Seikatsu 110 ban" (a comprehensive platform site) to solve "Household problems", change of trade name, listing in Tosho Mothers.
SHARINGTECHNOLOGY aims to be a company trusted by the society, with all the associates acting to fulfill social responsibility based upon our mission "Contributing to a safe society by creating a new mechanism".