With each and every employee acts out and practices our mission of “Contribute to a safe society by creating a new mechanism”,SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. aims to become a company trusted by society.
Approach to Organizational Operation
In an effort to become a company trusted by society as a whole, we have established rules and manuals, according to which we commit ourselves to clean and transparent decision-making, operations, and information management.
Consideration of working environment
As a company that has the largest life service platform in Japan, we aim to create a workplace where diversity is respected regardless of race, gender, age or religion. We ensure that all employees give their abilities full play to continue expanding overall organizational strengths. We encourage employees to attain a proper work-life balance and actively obtain leave, promote a management system to maintain good health, and provide support for employees' efforts toward capacity building and acquisition of qualifications.
Environmental Conservation Efforts
We are deeply concerned about our work-related environmental issues and join forces with each other to address such issues.Examples: A thorough reduction in electricity consumption in the office, purchase and use of eco-friendly products, sharing of supplies that are not used very often, a reduction in the use of copy paper by promoting double-sided printing, and separation, reduction, and recycling of trashWe promote environmental conservation activities via environmental communication in collaboration with stakeholders and local governments. Examples: Cooperation with the community in implementing countermeasures against heat island
Efforts toward Customer Satisfaction
In an effort to enhance the safety, comfort, and satisfaction of customers (users) through our services, we conduct a questionnaire survey on a regular basis.
We value survey results as precious input from customers and as a measure to meet their needs and see where we stand.
THE SHIGA BANK, LTD. issued SDGs private placement bond “Tsunagari”. May 31, 2019
SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. contributed tablet computers in education to Chukyo University (Aichi Prefecture), with issuance of SDGs private placement bond “Tsunagari” by THE SHIGA BANK, LTD.
“Tsunagari” of THE SHIGA BANK, LTD. aims at realizing sustainable society through contributing some commodities to state or public schools, private schools, and public-service designated promotion corporations of SDGs.
On May 31, 2019, a presentation ceremony for tablet computers was held at Chukyo University Campus, with Representative Director & Co-CEO Masayoshi Shino of SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. in attendance. -
Participated in “Uchimizu” event – watering gardens and/or streetsJuly 20, 2018
“Uchimizu” is a traditional Japanese custom of watering gardens and/or streets for the purpose of cooling down in summer.
We participated in “Uchimizu” event which was intended to verify scientifically the effect of traditional “Uchimizu” by all begin watering together at the same time.This event offered a good opportunity to think about saving electricity in midsummer and easing a phenomenon of heat island.
This event impressively succeeded in lowering the surrounding temperature. Also, “Yukata”(an informal cotton kimono) worn by many participants contributed to cool to look at. -
Participated in the activity of greenbirdMarch 15, 2017
We participated in a clean-up activity by the Nagoya team of greenbird, a global volunteer group known for litter pick-up activities. This is the fifth time we have participated in this activity. In the future, we will further promote contributions to the community and clean-up activities by participating in the litter pick-up volunteer activities of greenbird as a Nagoya-based company.
Participated in the activity of greenbirdOctober 10, 2016
We participated in the clean-up activity by the Nagoya team of greenbird, a global volunteer group known for litter pick-up activities. We will continue participating in the litter pick-up volunteer activities of greenbird and further promote contributions to the community and clean-up activities as a Nagoya-based company.
Participated in the activity of greenbirdSeptember 23, 2016
We participated in greenbird, a volunteer group known for litter pick-up activities, for the first time. We participated in the volunteer activity to pick up litter in Nagoya.
Participated in the Uchimizu (Water-Sprinkling) CampaignAugust 20, 2016
We participated in the Water-Sprinkling Campaign where participants sprinkle water (uchimizu), a Japanese tradition performed as a countermeasure against the heat, to verify the effect of uchimizu.
Since leftover bathwater is used, this activity can also help to save water. The verification of the effect of uchimizu showed that it decreased the surface temperature. While the surface temperature was decreased only by 0.3°C, participants felt much cooler than the actual temperature since the surface heat was removed by uchimizu.
SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. supports the Declaration on Action by a "Group of Male Leaders Who Will Create a Society Where Women Shine."

Declaration on Action by a "Group of Male Leaders Who Will Create a Society Where Women Shine"
Triggered by a kickoff meeting to help women shine held at the prime minister's office on March 28, 2014, a movement by male leaders in various fields to support women's active participation in society has been spreading. In the midst of such a trend, the Declaration on Action by a "Group of Male Leaders Who Will Create a Society Where Women Shine" was issued.
Official website of the Declaration on Action by a "Group of Male Leaders Who Will Create a Society Where Women Shine".