(Update of the previous disclosures)Completion of Capital Contribution to MIKAWAYA21 for Business and Capital Alliance
Announced that it passed a resolution to enter into a basic contract for a business and capital alliance with MIKAWAYA21 Co.,Ltd. which works with local companies such as newsagents throughout the country to operate the “Magokoro Support”service aimed at resolving minor household problems of the aged such as gardening work and replacing light bulbs (ref. “SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. and MIKAWAYA21 Sign Basic Contract for Business and Capital Alliance”, Nov. 19, 2018). The resolution was passed on January 29, 2019 by a written resolution in lieu of the resolution of the board of directors based on Section 370 of the Companies Act and the provisions of SHARETECH’s articles of incorporation.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 1Q ending September 2025.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of Fiscal Year ending September 2024.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 3Q ending September 2024.
Notice Regarding Revision of Dividend Forecast (First Dividend) of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 2Q ending September 2024.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 1Q ending September 2024.