【Research】Asked 500 users of cleaning services. “Which places you asked to clean at Year-end and New Year holidays?”.
SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. (Head Office : Nakamura-ku, Ngoya-shi, Aichi; Representative Director, CEO: Nobuhiro Moriyoshi ; hereinafter referred to as “SHARETECH”), which operates “Seikatsu 110”, a portal site to solve household problems, conducted a research about cleaning at year-end and new year holidays” through “Seikatsu 110 Research” which studies users’consciousness and activities for household problems. This research is based on “Cleaning service (*) requests to SHARETECH, during Jan. 2017 to Dec. 2019 throughout the country” and “Questionnaire survey about house cleaning” that targeted 502 respondents conducted through internet research in Jan. 2020.
(*) “Cleaning service” includes “House cleaning” and “Housekeeping”.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 1Q ending September 2025.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of Fiscal Year ending September 2024.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 3Q ending September 2024.
Notice Regarding Revision of Dividend Forecast (First Dividend) of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 2Q ending September 2024.
Announcement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 1Q ending September 2024.