Start of “Seikatsu 110 Research” to study Users’Consciousness and Activities for Household Problems
SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC., which operates “Seikatsu 110” , a portal site to solve household problems, has started “Seikatsu 110 Research” to study users’ consciousness and activities for household problems today, October 23, 2019.
Seikatsu 110 Research URL:https://www.seikatsu110.jp/news/research.html
Currently, the domestic market of “Household Problems” is estimated as around 14 trillion yen (*). With the increase of the aged and people living alone, this market is expected to grow further.
Also, with an ongoing shift from offline to online accelerated by the spread of smartphones, SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. operates “Seikatsu 110” , a platform to match users and professional service providers swiftly, for more than 700,000 service inquiries annually about “Household Problems”, in over 140 genres.
The new “Seikatsu 110 Research” will study users’ consciousness and activities for household problems from various angles, and will issue original reports of users’ trend and tendency, based upon service inquiries and questionnaires.
Through such an activity, SHARINGTECHNOLOGY INC. will always improve our service quality for a safe society by expanding service genres in response to new needs of users.
(*)The market size was estimated based on a questionnaire survey that targeted 20,000 respondents conducted through an external specialized agency.
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