NOTICEAnnouncement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 1Q ending September 2025.
NOTICEAnnouncement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of Fiscal Year ending September 2024.
NOTICEAnnouncement of Financial Results Report and Briefing Documents of 3Q ending September 2024.
NOTICENotice Regarding Revision of Dividend Forecast (First Dividend) of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024
“MOVER” is a system to solve "Household problems" speedily.
“MOVER” system enables speedy matching between customers and service provider stores to solve "Household problems", by utilizing “Real-time Scheduling function” and “GPS function”.

We connect customers to our 6,900 professional service provider stores to solve "Household problems" through "Seikatsu110 ban", a problem-solving platform, "Vertical media site" for specialized genres, and a call center available 24 hours 365 days. Our service provider stores mainly comprise repair service staff in towns. We deploy "Mover", a new system that makes real-time matching possible as our advantage.
SERVICE PLATFORM“Seikatsu 110 ban” is a platform site where customers can search, compare, and inquire about the optimum service provider over 140 categories.
VERTICAL MEDIAVertical Media site is a website to provide prospective customers with useful information efficiently on a specific subject.
We operate over 200 sites to solve "Household problems" such as "Pet Sougi (funeral) 110 ban", "Harikae (reface, repaper) 110 ban".
We strive to make SHARINGTECHNOLOGY known to more people and promote further knowledge of the Company. And, to win long-term strong support from shareholders and investors, we provide various useful contents for investment decision, such as IR news, Financial close documents, IR calendar.
The number of our service provider stores are currently about 6,900 throughout Japan, which is on the daily increase. And, the number of service category of "Household problems" is over 140. We always welcome excellent partner stores to provide better quality service with mutual prosperity spirit. For application, please click the below button.